A Wing and A Prayer

The Wing and a Prayer series emerged in 2020, amidst a pandemic, social unrest and political upheaval. The paintings began from a fierce and broken place, as shields for warrior spirits. The work has transformed over the years and become softer, braver and more hopeful.

Unfurl the Flags
of Hard-Fought Freedom

Oil & wax on panel


A Wing and A Prayer

Mixed media on panel

How Sacred our Being

Mixed media on panel

This is to be our Awakening

24”x 36”x 2”
Oil & wax on panel

Wild Abandon

24”x 24”x 2”
Oil & wax on panel

Revelation of Truth

Oil & wax on panel

Quiet Defiance

Oil & wax on Panel

Still Point

14"x 22.5”x.5”
Oil & wax on panel

The Beating Heart of Courage

Mixed media on panel

Words are Made of Breath

Mixed media on panel

Wing of Night (Blue Moon/Black Bird)

Oil & wax on panel

Joy as an Act of Resistance

Oil & wax on panel

Ache in the Knowing

Mixed media on panel

The Doing of What Ought to be Done

Two panels, each 20"x30"x1.5”
Oil & wax

Artist Statement

My art explores ideas of injustice in contemporary culture and how we reclaim both autonomy and freedom when we arm ourselves with knowledge. The work is inspired by the Say Her Name, Me Too and Black Lives Matter movements as well as poetry, literature, sculpture and music. The work is derived from the ancient idea that shields possess spiritual power and protect us from violence.

My iconography includes words, broken wings, weaponry, multiple moons and rectangular geometric forms. The shields are highly textured paintings, with layers of wax, oil and other improvised medium, built upon wooden panels. The color palette is limited to three or four colors, with strong contrast. The visual effect is of fractured stone, weathered bone and luminous light.

My ongoing exploration of shields for broken spirits exposes difficult truths in our society and within ourselves. The work is a humble acknowledgement of what we lose when we cut short, stigmatize or terrorize another human life. I honor those who have perished in the struggle and offer hope that we can collectively heal broken spirits — and that we can all be free.